What types of SEN do we provide for?
At the ContinU Plus Academy, we plan to meet the needs of students with special educational needs across the following four areas:
- Communication & Interaction
- Young people with speech, language and communication needs.
- Cognition & Learning
- Support for learning difficulties may be required when students learn at a slower pace than their peers, even with appropriate differentiation.
- Social, Emotional & Mental Health Difficulties
- Students may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained.
- Other students may have disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or Attachment Disorder.
- Sensory &/or Physical Needs
- Students may have a hearing impairment, visual impairment or a physical need.
How do we identify and assess pupils with SEN?
At the ContinU Plus Academy we identify all of our pupils as having SEN. Some pupils also have Additional Educational Needs. The identification and assessments of AEN may involve the SENCo completing the following, graduated steps:
- Consultation with parents/carers.
- Consultation with the student.
- Progress data and monitoring data over time through half termly War Cabinet .
- Consultation with/and feedback from teachers.
- Liaison and consultations with external specialists, such as Educational Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Community Paediatricians and other relevant health or education professionals.
- Observations of the student.
- Interventions allocated to narrow the gap.
- Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of these interventions.
- Baseline testing and other appropriate screening.
Who is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and how can he/she be contacted?
- Ms Karen Challen
- Telephone: 01562 822463
- Email: kc213@cpa.worcs.sch.uk
What is our approach to teaching students with SEN?
We define inclusion as ensuring that all students have access to a broad and balanced education. This is personalised in order for every student to achieve success. Through Quality First Teaching Strategies, appropriate additional support and intervention, all students with special educational needs can experience and enjoy positive achievement.
How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment?
The adaptations made and interventions in place are dependent upon individual needs and barriers to learning. Interventions and adaptations may include:
- Small class sizes of no more than 8 pupils
- Examination Access Arrangements.
- Alternative methods of recording and reading. Auxiliary learning aids to promote independence in the classroom, such as:
- overlays;
- colour paper;
- reading rulers;
- digital reading software;
- pen grips and other necessary aids.
- Support from a Learning Coach during timetabled lessons.
- In addition to timetabled lessons, small groups or One-to-One interventions for Literacy, Numeracy and a variety of therapeutic interventions to support Emotional Regulation, dependent upon area of need.
- Seating plans that consider learning needs.
- Hearing and or Visual aids when required.
- Weekly Outdoor Education days and Alternative provision placements.
How do we consult with parents/carers of students with SEN and involve them in their child’s education? How do we consult with students with SEN and involve them in their education?
Parents/Carers can telephone/email and make appointments at any time during the school term, to meet with the SENCo. Students with a concern can similarly arrange to discuss their concerns directly with the SENCo. Consultations and communications between parents/carers and SENCo may involve:
- Collaborative target setting and evaluation of progress during Annual Reviews and arranged meetings.
- Letters informing parents/carers about intervention updates and invitation to comment upon planned interventions.
- Termly SDQ Parent Voice.
- Termly SDQ Pupil Voice.
- Annual Pupil Safety survey
- Termly Parent/Carer Days. Family Conversation Meetings.
- Collaboratively completing consent/referral forms for the involvement of specialists.
- Information sharing and discussions of specialist reports received.
How do we support pupils moving between different phases of education?
There is a Transition Programme in place to support Year 11 or Post 16 leavers. Depending upon individual needs, the enhanced support steps may include:
- Bi weekly appointments with the Careers advisor during year 11 and 12
- One-to-One visits to Post 16 destinations with key staff who are currently supporting the needs of the learner.
- Key staff to take pupils to college/apprenticeship interviews
- Year 11 and 12 attending careers fairs and the NEC Skills Show
- Bespoke work experience placements
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEN provision?
We evaluate the effectiveness of provision with the following processes:
- SDQ Student Voice.
- SDQ Parent Voice.
- SDQ Teacher Voice and CPD audits.
- Half termly monitoring of the progress and attainment of students through War Cabinet, where attendance, attainment, well being and behaviour data, is compared and scrutinised.
- Lesson observations.
- School improvement planning.
- Examination and progress analysis.
- Individual case studies.
- Annual inspection of SEND provision from SEND Governor.