At the CPA our pupils are protected and feel safe. There is a strong, robust and proactive response from adults working with our children that reduces the risk of harm or actual harm to them. Staff know and understand the indicators that may suggest that a child, is suffering or is at risk of suffering abuse, neglect or harm and they take the appropriate and necessary action in accordance with local procedures and statutory guidance.
The SLT have put in place effective child protection and staff behaviour policies that are well understood by everyone in the setting. The designated lead and the deputy, play an effective role in pursuing concerns and protecting our pupils
Written child protection records are made in an appropriate and timely way and are held securely. These records are shared appropriately and, where necessary, with consent.
Any child protection or safeguarding concerns are shared immediately with the relevant local authority. A record of that referral is retained and any agreed action following the referral is taken promptly to protect the child from further harm.
For pupils who are the subject of a Child in Need plan or Child Protection plan or who are Looked After, there is a written plan in place that has clear and agreed procedures to protect them. The plan identifies the help that the child should receive and the action to be taken if a professional working with the child has further concerns or information to report.
The DSL is aware of, and implements in full, local procedures for children who are missing from home or education.
Any risks associated with children and learners offending, misusing drugs or alcohol, self-harming, going missing, being vulnerable to radicalisation or being sexually exploited are known by the DSL and Deputy and shared with the local authority children’s social care service or other relevant agency.
Pupils are protected and helped to keep themselves safe from bullying, homophobic behaviour, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. Any discriminatory behaviours are challenged and help and support are given to children about how to treat others with respect.
Staff understand the risks posed by adults or children who use technology, including the internet, to bully, groom, radicalise or abuse children. They have well-developed strategies in place to keep pupils safe and to support them to develop their own understanding of these risks and in learning how to keep themselves and others safe. Parents can access the school website for support understanding the risks the internet poses and how they can protect their child at home.
Staff and volunteers working with children and learners are carefully selected and vetted according to statutory requirements. All of the SLT have had ‘Safer Recruitment’ training. Our Single Central Record is regularly inspected by the Safeguarding governor.
There are clear and effective arrangements for staff training in the Safeguarding, protection and care of our pupils.