
Schools are key in helping to raise the educational standards and improving the life chances of looked after children, and in tackling the causes of social exclusion through careful planning, monitoring and evaluation. Schools can also provide a source of continuity and stability for children who may have been subject to emotional distress, abuse, and disruption. School can be the place where children maintain friendships and a place where they feel safe and can be themselves.

Raising levels of achievement has been strongly and clearly highlighted as a major part of improving the life chances of looked after children and schools play a pivotal role in this.


The term “looked after” was introduced by the Children Act 1989. This refers to a child who is either accommodated (whereby the local authority provides for the child on an agreed basis with the person who has parental responsibility) or is subject to a care order (whereby a court order grants shared parental responsibility to the local authority, in order to protect and promote a child’s welfare). Children in both instances could be living with foster carers, in a residential unit, in a residential school, with relatives, or even with parents on a part or full time basis

Legal Framework

Recent legislation and guidance from the Department for Education requires schools to have effective policies for supporting and promoting the education of looked after children.

Schools must:

  • ensure access to a balanced and broadly based education to all looked after children
  • prioritise recording and improving the academic achievement of all looked after children
  • prioritise a reduction in the number of exclusions and truancies for all looked after children
  • ensure there is a designated teacher to advocate for the rights of looked after children
  • develop systems of communications and protocols
  • promote the attendance of looked after children
  • allocate additional funding (pupil premium) to support the child


We will:

  • work alongside social workers to ensure that each looked after child has a current Personal Education Plan in place
  • provide a climate of acceptance and challenge negative stereotypes
  • ensure all children who are looked after have the same opportunities to participate fully in the National Curriculum, careers guidance, extra-curricular activities and work experience
  • ensure discretion when addressing a child’s care status and ensure there is sensitivity to the background of children who are looked after, especially surrounding work on family
  • ensure the designated teacher is provided with regular training, and that they cascade this training to school staff and governors as appropriate
  • seek to review all school policies regularly in the light of the LA’s Social Inclusion guidance, Special Educational Needs Legislation, and joint Department for Education and Department of Health guidance on The Education of Children in Public Care
  • ensure that a clear protocol for sharing of information will be followed both within school and with outside agencies
  • endeavor to support all looked after children educated in this school to achieve to their fullest possible academic potential
  • allocate additional funding in order to support the child ( PUPIL PREMIUM)

Roles and Responsibilities

Many looked after children do not want school staff to be aware of their care status because it makes them feel “different”. Therefore, we will negotiate with the child to identify who should be aware of their care status. However, we do acknowledge that in some cases, such as if the child has a severe learning difficulty, this many not be possible.  The named Governor will work in co-operation with the Head Teacher and Designated Teacher as the named staff responsible for ensuring that all looked after children have equal access to all learning opportunities in line with their peers. The Head Teacher and Designated Teacher also have specific responsibilities for supporting the rest of the staff in their training and work with looked after children.

The named Governor (Julie Reilly) should be satisfied that :

  • the school has a coherent policy for looked after children
  • the school’s policies and procedures are reviewed in the light of social inclusion guidance and joint DoH/DfE guidelines
  • the designated teacher has received appropriate training
  • looked after children have equal access to all areas of the curriculum
  • the Governing body receives an annual report

The Head Teacher (Sara Devo)  will:

  • appoint the designated teacher
  • ensure that the designated teacher has received appropriate training
  • oversee the development of the policy on looked after children
  • be responsible for all systems to support looked after children


  • report to the governing body on an annual basis on the following:
  • the number of looked after pupils in the school
  • an analysis of test scores as a discrete group, compared to other pupils
  • the attendance of pupils, compared to other pupils
  • the level of fixed term and permanent exclusions, compared to other pupils
  • the number of complaints

The Designated Teacher ( Karen Challen)

The designated teacher will serve as the contact for social services and the VSH (Virtual School Head) and will maintain responsibility for several key areas to support looked after children within the school. This includes serving as an advocate for all looked after children

The Designated Teacher will be help establish and maintain the ethos regarding looked after children at the CPA by:

  • access to a balanced and broadly based education to all looked after children
  • maintaining and respecting confidentiality of all looked after children and ensuring information is shared on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis
  • ensuring that all staff, through appropriate training, are aware of the difficulties and educational disadvantages faced by looked after children and understand the need for positive systems to support them, whilst maintaining appropriately high expectations for their educational achievements
  • acting as an advocate for looked after children in order to allow them equal access to educational opportunities and support with important decisions affecting future life chances
  • establishing systems for monitoring and tracking performance and well being
  • having an overview and coordinating role for gathering and holding all information regarding children who are looked after
  • maintaining records regarding all looked after children, including legal status and information regarding who should be contacted regarding matters concerning the child
  • establishing a system for contacting and forwarding educational records to new schools to facilitate a smooth and speedy transfer
  • monitoring the educational progress of all looked after children and intervene, in co-operation with other agencies if required, if there is evidence of underachievement, absence from school or internal truancy, or other similar concern

The designated teacher will facilitate effective communication by:

  • building positive home-school relationships between parents/carers with regular opportunities for dialogue
  • being proactive and participating in setting goals for the child’s PEP
  • playing an active role in care planning by ensuring that the attendance of the most appropriate member of staff and/or written reports are provided to all statutory reviews of looked after children
  • helping co-ordinate education and PEP meetings
  • serving as the named contact for colleagues in social services, education and LA’s (including VSH’s)
  • ensuring effective communication between all relevant parties
  • inviting the responsible social worker to all meetings, and liaising with this social worker regarding the development of Personal Education Plans (PEP).

The designated teacher will monitor each child’s achievement and ensure that they have the support they require within school:

  • by meeting with the looked after child to discuss who needs to know they are looked after and to ensure that the young person is informed of their role
  • by ensuring each child has a named member of staff who can provide advice and/or practical help on academic or pastoral issues
  • by ensuring each child has a Personal Education Plan
  • by requesting support from the SENCO and/or outside agencies, including the VSHpp if a looked after child requires additional academic or behavioural support
  • Ensure all looked after children with special educational needs are being assessed and are getting appropriate resources to support their learning
  • by having a strategy for key stage or new school transitions
  • by encouraging all children to continue on to further or higher education
  • by ensuring all looked after children are made to feel a part of the school environment

Personal Education Plans

Each child will have a Personal Education Plan (PEP), which their social worker will take the lead in developing. However, the school’s role in this plan is crucial and at least one member of staff who knows the child well will attend the meeting to establish and subsequently review this. Other staff will contribute in writing as appropriate.

The PEP will consider:

  • the child’s strengths and weaknesses
  • interests, both in and out of school
  • developmental and educational and pastoral needs
  • future plans, and how these can be supported
  • issues arising for the child
  • It will also identify targets that will be reviewed during the next PEP meeting.

Admission/Induction Arrangements

Looked after children are a priority for admission and, as such, we will follow the LEA’s published admission criteria.

Prior to admission the designated teacher will meet with the carer/parent, social worker, and other relevant professionals as appropriate to discuss all relevant issues, academic and social. This will provide information to inform the child’s new Personal Education Plan, and ensure that communication systems are established early. All records will be requested in order to plan provision and allocate resources enabling a smooth transition. When the school has the required information a start date will be agreed and a meeting held with the child in order for their voice to be heard.

In the first PEP meeting, we will seek clarification from the social worker as to who requires school reports and who may give permission for school trips or other such activities. At this meeting any means of communication to aid the fluid exchange of information between statutory meetings will be discussed and agreed (such as a home/school book to detail any sudden significant changes in a child’s circumstances.)

School Trips and Special Activities

Given the delays that looked after children experience in getting parental consent for school trips and activities, we will aim to ensure that looked after children enjoy the same extra-curricular opportunities as other children by reserving placements for them on trips or on activities.


If a young person, parent or social worker wishes to complain about the provision or policy, they should in the first instance raise it with the designated teacher, who will try to resolve the situation.

If the issue cannot be resolved the young person, carer or social worker can submit a formal complaint in writing to the Head teacher. The Head teacher will investigate the complaint and respond in line with the school complaints policy that can be accessed by the CPA website.

Any issue that remains unresolved at this stage should be addressed through a meeting in order to assess the impact of any such complaint upon the young person’s education. This meeting may include the named Governor and any other outside agency that both parties deem necessary to attend. This meeting should normally be held within 10 working days of the Head teacher’s response.

Children who become LAC whilst at the CPA

If a child’s circumstances change whilst on role at the CPA and they become a LAC. The designated teacher will:

  • Hold an emergency meeting with relevant people (social worker, family member/carer, VSH, child etc. as appropriate) and establish a PEP
  • Ensure the child’s key workers are informed of the situation
  • Establish a pattern of meetings with the child so that their voice is heard